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A birth doula is someone that provides emotional, physical and informational support before, during and after birth in a way that helps parent(s) feel supported and confident as they transition into parenthood. The role of a doula is to ensure a comfortable, intentional and informed birthing experience, listen to the needs and values of the birthing person, provide unbiased, evidence based information, and help the birthing person (birthing partner) gain the knowledge and skills they may need to navigate the birthing system and decision making along the way.


A doula is emotional, physical and informational support and does not perform medical tasks that a midwife, doctor or nurse would, such as vaginal/cervical exams or administering pain medication. A doula does not diagnose medical conditions or make decisions for their client. They listen and deeply understand the values and goals of the laboring parent and provide self advocacy support when needed.  


As a mother, my pregnancy, the birth, and postpartum experience with my first daughter, Luna, was transformational. It was heavy, lonely, hard, exhilarating, powerful, silly, scary, and blissful. Carrying her in my body, birthing her, and nourishing her with my body, have been the hardest and most beautiful days of my life, as I simultaneously got to know my beautiful daughter and the new person I was becoming when I birthed her.




Being a mama has helped me love, respect and truly see myself. It has given me the confidence and courage to speak my mind and honor my boundaries. It has reminded me to appreciate every day, love every moment, truly live life, slow down, and be present, even in the moments I feel exhausted, stressed, empty, lonely and unseen. When I hear Luna’s little voice “mommy, mommy, mommy”, and she lays her sweet little hands on my cheeks, gazes into my eyes, yearning for my attention… in those moments I am reminded to take a breath and just be where I am… with her. How to truly see, listen and love myself and others, is what parenthood has gifted me.


It is my goal as a doula, to help my client’s find the power, kindness, strength and peace within them so they may bring those qualities into their prenatal, laboring and postnatal journey. A birthing person should never have to experience this journey alone, and it is my intention to be a part of the village you deserve. A village that supports the birthing parent as they go through this transformational experience and growth, so they may enter into parenthood with the tools and knowledge to feel healthy mentally, emotionally and physically.

When you work with me you will be fully supported in mind, body and heart

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